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Publishing Opportunity for OSSD Members

Dear Colleagues,

Given your interest and expertise in Sex and Gender specific medicine, we are reaching out to gauge your interest in submitting to a special issue of Clinical Therapeutics (CT), focused on the interdisciplinary roles of sex & gender in acute care medicine. We are the Women’s Health and Gender Medicine Topic Editors for Clinical Therapeutics and are tasked with creating an annual Specialty Update, a themed section that highlights new or controversial research. The timeline is manuscript submission by Jan/Feb 2024 for a Summer 2024 issue.

Some important considerations you may want to know:

CT is peer-reviewed, rapid publication indexed journal in the field of clinical research (2022 Impact Factor: 3.3, CiteScore 6). Submission fees or page charges are waived for invited submissions, which are also published free access on the journal website. You may submit a wide range of types of articles - original research, review, or commentary on the role of sex/gender in any type of acute care medicine. Requirements and instructions for each article type can be found in the Guide for Authors. The journal has a great deal of post publication support for greater outreach and knowledge translation of your work. CT has significant reach, with more than 70,000 full text downloads per month on Elsevier’s ScienceDirect and journal website.

Currently, we are seeking both your interest and a potential topic area and abstract, for the purposes of issue planning. Please share widely within your networks as well and let us know if you have any questions or want to discuss whether your work could fit!


Angela Jarman & Sarah Perman

Angela Jarman MD MPH (she/her)
Director, Sex & Gender in Emergency Medicine 
Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine 
University of California, Davis


Global Preclinical Data Forum: Addressing Sex as Biological Variable in Preclinical Research

Check out these excellent open access videos from the Global Preclinical Data Forum! They provide practical guidance to preclinical researchers on how to incorporate sex as a biological variable into their research.

The goal of the video training series is to provide practical guidance to preclinical researchers on how to navigate the NIH’s 2015 policy on incorporating sex as a biological variable into their current and future research. Across this video series, we demonstrate:

  • Why research inclusive of both sexes is important for increasing scientific rigor and the health of both men and women;
  • Why common misconceptions arguing against the inclusion of both sexes into preclinical research are outdated;
  • How including both sexes into preclinical research can open new areas of research and advance patient-centered treatment solutions.

The content of these training videos is distributed across three modules:

  • Module 1: Primer of Sex Differences in Brain and Behavior
  • Module 2: Incorporating Sex as a Biological Variable Throughout the Experimental Process
  • Module 3: Sex as a Biological Variable in Pharmacology Studies

These videos were made possible though a generous grant from the National Institute of General Medicines (Grant Number: 5 R25 GM133017-03), awarded to Cohen Veterans Bioscience (Principal Investigator: Chantelle Ferland-Beckham, PhD)

Accounting for Sex and Gender Makes Science Better

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